Who Are You Kidding?

1 John 2:4

Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,

I’m truly starting to understand the differences. In one corner you have head knowledge. In the other corner you have heart faith. I have said once before that many will stand before the King and sadly hear, “Depart from me, for I never knew you.” 

Matthew 7:21-23, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

What does this look like on earth? For starters, I cannot and will not judge. However, the Word makes it very clear that believers should bear fruit! 

Galatians 5:22-23, “22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Where do you see yourself?

-peacemaker or instigator?

-gentle or harsh?

-calm or rash?

-joyful or sorrowful?

-kind or abrasive?

-humble or prideful?

We are not perfect, BUT the Spirit yearns to produce such good fruit when we actively strive to become more like Christ. We must stop saying, “I know him” but our actions scream otherwise. 

Do you find yourself stirring up trouble? Do you rebel against worship? Do you secretly seek praise and reinforcement to feed your pride even when it comes to “Godly things?” Who is responsible for instigating these evil fruits within you? It’s time to clean house my friends! 

Question: Do you REALLY know your King? Let Him search your heart – for there you will find your answer. 


Christian Armetta


John 14:1-4

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”

We cannot avoid it. We live in a sinful world. The flesh battles against the Spirit daily. There remains an internal struggle in the hearts of every human. Things happen that cause our hearts to be troubled. What does Jesus say about burdens and troubles? 

How can we measure the level and impact of our troubles? The answer lies within your emotional reactions. Jesus clearly states that we should not let our hearts be troubled. Why? He knows HOPE! In fact, Hope = God. Jesus was verbally declaring the promises of the Father! In that, we should be filled to the brim with excitement. You see, our Hope isn’t in this world, people, or things. Our hope is in the Lord. 

When troubles stir, people disappoint, stress abounds, bodies ache, and the mind controls, we should look to the Hope in our Savior. We focus on Him alone for He has gone to prepare a place for us! Do you truly believe? He not only is sitting at the right hand of the Father, but Jesus has gone to prepare our eternal home. He promises, therefore, to return for His children! To that I say – BE GONE burdens! 

Challenge: Dear friends, it’s time to self-evaluate. If you are only on a spiritual high when things are going your way then you need to assess your level of true dependence upon the Lord. Allow the Potter full access. How are you responding to the trials in your life? Are you weary? Are you burdened? Are you depressed? Or… Are you hopeful for the promises to come?


Christian Armetta


2 Corinthians 6:11-13

11 Oh, dear Corinthian friends! We have spoken honestly with you, and our hearts are open to you. 12 There is no lack of love on our part, but you have withheld your love from us. 13 I am asking you to respond as if you were my own children. Open your hearts to us!

sitting on bench

While sitting on a newly dusted sofa, she anxiously awaits the knock at the door. Through the deafening clicks from the clock on the wall, she mentally sounds off every painful second…tick-tock, tick-tock. It’s almost as if time itself is reinforcing her deep-rooted insecurities. Each secondhand click brings forth these dreaded words: unwanted, unloved, failure…She is now paralyzed by her own insecurities and fear.

She cannot remember a time when anyone stumbled across her doorstep much less through an open invitation. Today was different. Since giving her life to Christ, she has experienced a transformation through the power of His blood – transformational! Although continuing to fight the inner demons of insecurity, she is choosing to remove tall walls, layer by layer, that have isolated her for years.

While staring at the wall recalling her life’s struggles, she comes face-to-face with her deepest fear – vulnerability. Just at that time she hears the knock at the door. “What do I do?” she thinks. The dark inner voices come forth and say, “Why did you invite them here? You know they will eventually hurt you! You aren’t worth their love anyway so just hide, and they will go away!”

Tears begin to flow from the deep well of personal torment. She stands up in what appears to be self-defeat; the demons cheer as they continue to press her to retreat. Yet, she reaches for the door handle instead of turning to run. The inner voices leap forward in their last attempt to self-harm. She nearly retches as she slowly opens the door all while fighting her inner-demons.

With the most fluid of motions, the church members awaiting outside glide into the foyer where they individually embrace their new small group member. One by one, they speak words of encouragement and thankfulness, “It’s so good to see you! Your home is beautiful. Thank you so much for inviting us over for Bible study today.” Every single word, phrase, and physical embrace marking the true love of Christ through His people appear to wipe away every negative thought. She turns around to find a room full of Christ-loving believers in the same space where she once gave in to self-defeat and depression.

A smile replaces apprehension! As she walks back into the living room, she offers a prayer of thanksgiving. She is thankful for opening not only her home but her heart. She thinks, “I never dreamed being vulnerable would be so fulfilling; thank you Lord!”

Dear friends, there is no greater reward than building God-honoring relationships; however, this requires vulnerability. Do not withhold your love. Allow God to deliver you from fear, anxiety, and doubt. Also, ask Father God to fill you up with His peace where you can share the love of Christ in return.

Thought: Satan loves an isolated Christian! There is power in community. Tear down the walls and open up your heart.


Christian Armetta


Psalm 119:105

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”


While leaving work today, God blessed me with a special encounter. As I’ve stated before, nothing happens by chance. I seek God’s face in all conversations, encounters, and even disruptions for God works in all situations. The question then is, “Are you willing to listen?”

Yet, today was different. This was most certainly not a disruption; this was a divine and destined encounter by God. I was running slightly behind schedule which providentially allowed me to run into a dear friend walking out of work on her very last day. You see, we all have been dreading this day for we love her, truly. I thought I had already said my goodbyes, which was hard to do, but I was so thankful to see her one last time – this special time as she leaves her job for the last time.

We cannot imagine no longer working alongside this special friend. She is kindhearted, light, attentive, God-fearing, and just plain fun to be around. Yet, over the past few months, she has had to hold back tears of true physical pain as she deals with a newly diagnosed physical condition. However, through this trial, I have seen her faith grow like the deep roots of an oak. She says with pure determination all while clutching her hands in pain, “I’m going to get my miracle!” This my friends is FAITH!

She is truly taking a single step in faith as she begins a new journey – cautious, nervous, and even scared, but this is where God is made perfect in our weakness. The passage above reminds us that God’s Word is a “lamp upon my feet.” You see, this special friend is living this passage to the fullest! She is taking a single step in faith focusing on Christ to sustain, deliver, and protect her and her family – wow – what a testimony.

With tear-filled eyes and such a heavy heart, we embrace and offer words of encouragement. God IS in control! So, today I encourage you and my sweet friend to keep taking steps of faith, one at a time, focusing on Christ who will steady each step. Even though we are intellectually gifted enough to problem solve many steps ahead, the Word says give it to God because let’s face it…we aren’t THAT gifted! Try to picture Father God sitting high on His throne in full control of the whole world and universe. We have enough trouble controlling our children, work, school, and athletic schedules let alone every single human being, living creature, and universe…o.k. I think you get the point.

It boils down to stop looking so far ahead and simply asking God to steady our next step as it aligns with His perfect will on earth as it is in heaven.

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34).

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

So, my friend and I parted ways not knowing when we would see each other again, but this special friend will never know how much she touched my life! I pray that you always remember that you are projecting a testimony in the way you live your life – positive or negative! Today, I say thank you Jessie for showing us faith and a positive testimony. You will be missed greatly. We will not cease in our prayers, and we too believe that you will receive your miracle! We will commit to picking up our lanterns and taking one step of faith alongside you.


Christian Armetta

True Measure

Proverbs 27:19-21

19 As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person. 20 Just as Death and Destruction are never satisfied, so human desire is never satisfied. 21 Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but a person is tested by being praised.

reading bible

It bears repeating…I love Proverbs! After reading this passage today, I could not stop thinking about the true measure of a Christian. What is the one thing that puts a bitter taste in a seeker’s mouth when conversing with a believer? The answer, for me, is very transparent. A seeker has a keen sense of identifying fakes or hypocrites! The one thing believers hear over and over again is that we say one thing but demonstrate another through our actions, words, and gifts. This is not acceptable dear friends!

Our model is Jesus Christ who demonstrated the purest of consistency. How do you measure up? No, we aren’t perfect; however, we are instructed to live pure and blameless lives. We are to shine like the stars in the sky (Philippians 2:15). How can we attract others to the cross when we are their main stumbling blocks?

In the passage above, it states that the heart reflects the real person just as a face is reflected in water. That verse alone is breathtaking. If you find your heart cold, dark, and judgmental, you may need deliverance! If you find yourself prideful and conceited, you most certainly need to humble yourself before Father God and confess your sins at His altar of forgiveness.

In verse 21, a good measure of pride is how you handle being praised! If you thrive or even insist on being praised for your contributions, actions, or results, your heart does not coincide with the principles taught in the Word as Christ came to serve, not to be served (Matthew 20:28). How can we elevate ourselves above Christ? – we cannot! We are quite familiar with another being who attempted to elevate himself above the Father and he is now condemned for all eternity. Yet, in the meantime, his entire purpose is to ruin your life…simply put my friends! Not only does Satan want to ruin your life, he will not be satisfied unless he can steal, kill, and destroy those around you or associated with you too…so today we say, ENOUGH! We are not elevated above God, and we humbly submit ourselves to His will.

Thought: What will your heart reflect? What is your true measure?


Christian Armetta

Don’t get Sidetracked

Proverbs 4:26-27

26 Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. 27 Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.

winding path

Damian storms out of the house well past curfew seeking to fulfill his addiction. His mother cries out in a strong yet depleted voice, “Please stay home my son–not again–let us help you!” Her words reach the front door just as he shuts it closed. She slumps in her chair and offers a prayer similar to the ones before: “Dear Lord, he is my son, and I love him so much. I pray that you will continue to place your watch care over him even though he is not listening or seeking you! Pierce his heart for all things holy and pure, and draw him closer to you each and every day. Above all things, Lord, give us peace, comfort, and direction as we continue to minister to our son. We ask all these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.” Damian wanders a crooked path welcoming destruction. It is almost as if sin and all things evil are attracted to him. His life-choices mimic open gates inviting loss, heartache, ravage, extinction, havoc, rebellion, and downfall. He projects these demons onto his family and those around him out of hate. Yet, through the faithful prayers of his family, church, and friends, he will soon experience deliverance. His tragedies will soon become his testimony. Once bound by addiction, he will lead the masses to acceptance in Christ.

Dear friends, what do you see from this passage in Proverbs? I see preparation, “Mark out a straight path for your feet.” Marking any path takes time, study, practice, and implementation. We cannot expect to succeed in this life by simply wearing Christian-themed T-shirts or slapping a catchy biblical bumper sticker to our cars. While these things are “good”, they do not closely define our Christian walk. I strongly encourage you to dig deep into God’s Word where you can study His principles and practice! Prepare your Christian walk and remain on the straight path – “stay on the safe path.” When you are prepared, you are able to remain focused, keeping your feet far from evil.

Thoughts: Do you find yourself becoming spiritually sidetracked and removing your feet from His safe path? How will you combat this today?


Christian Armetta


It Won’t Help!

Matthew 6:27

“27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”

The doctor closes the exam door leaving a depleted man and his hopeful spouse to contemplate the plan of care proposed for the next six weeks. The prayerful yet cautious bride finally speaks up. She walks over and grabs her husband’s hand yet it wasn’t the same. The strong hands that once held her while she delivered their three children years ago now appear weak and worn. She gently squeezes in hopes of initiating a powerful return yet his eyes speak a different story – tired and defeated. 

Just as he closes his eyes, she longs for the days of driving with the top down through the Rocky Mountains while singing old country songs, dancing in the kitchen when the kids were all asleep because it was more fun than washing a sink full of dishes, and sitting poolside reading a book and talking about the future. 

She is quickly drawn back to reality when she hears the doctor clear his throat from across the room. She thinks, “When did he come back in? I didn’t hear him enter?” The doctor says, “Have you all given some thought to the plan of care?” She collapses in anxiety as the weight of the world and the hopes for their family crumble around her. “No,” she answers, “We haven’t been able to talk; he’s just too tired.” As the doctor turns to walk away, she manages to grab the corner of his medical coat. He turns his head while his body remains opposed. He says, “Yes, do you have a question?” She embraces him without return and whispers, “I worry about him day and night! I can’t eat or sleep. What do you mean he only has three months to live? I will waste away worrying so you must promise me that he will get better.” 

The doctor who initially appeared to have very little empathy removed a small Bible from his jacket pocket and said, “I too received some bad news today but couldn’t leave my job. You see, my grandmother passed away today, and I will miss her funeral this week. I loved her like a second mother! I cling to the cross and to the hope we have in Christ to keep my feet moving, one step at a time. For the Word tells us that all our worries won’t add a single hour to our lives so I give it all back to Him in full surrender; it’s truly the only thing left I can do.” 

With tear-filled eyes, he hands her the Bible, and he walks away. She gently holds the Word as she sits at the bedside watching her soulmate rest. She opens the Bible and reads, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11). 

As she closes her eyes to pray she hears her husband whisper, “Dear, what are you doing?” She replies with a reverent heart, “I’m releasing all my worries to God for tomorrow is a new day and we will rejoice for He is good no matter our outcome.” At just that moment, the husband says, “You finally understand my love, and now we can truly live!” 

Thought: Life is filled with stress, disaster, twists, and turns. How will you respond? 


Christian Armetta


Proverbs 20:3

“Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor; only fools insist on quarreling.”

I just love Proverbs! It is beyond wise to refresh yourselves with these principles often. If you find yourself needing a personal refresher’s course, I strongly suggest opening the Word and heeding these precepts. 

During my youth (wink-ha), I cannot say that I followed this Proverb wholeheartedly. In fact, I appeared to welcome strife as a very young man- the cause – masking pain! The once curly, red-headed, skinny youth was now ready to fight! Sadly, no he wasn’t; he was just putting up “a front” so he couldn’t get used or hurt again. 

As I matured in my Christianity and family, I learned the value in keeping the peace. I love that this Proverb says, “Avoiding a fight is a mark of honor.” Why then do we teach our sons to stand up and fight at the smallest of offenses instead of teaching them true biblical honor – love your neighbor as yourself. Trust me–I think we LOVE ourselves a whole lot in this society; just think what the world would look like if we followed this principle! Mind blowing!

This principle also would save a lot of pain in relationships. How many of us find pride in always having to be right in an argument with our spouse, brother, child, loved one? Arguing for the sake of “being right” does not bring honor to you, your relationship, and especially God! I implore you to find peace by avoiding such traps. God always, and I mean always, has our best interests at heart. Following His ways will prove true and honorable. 

Question: Do you struggle with anger? Give it to the Father today!


Christian Armetta 

The Chase

Ezekiel 34:11-12

“For thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I, I myself will search for my sheep and will seek them out.12 As a shepherd seeks out his flock when he is among his sheep that have been scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness.”


The seeker aimlessly wanders the broken road chasing the things of this world in an attempt to fill a God-shaped hole. The chase is lonely and unfulfilling. At every stop, the wanderer succumbs to the traps devilishly placed to distract him further from the truth.

He cries out, “How can I be fulfilled?” Confusion sets in like a dark cloud with the goal to suffocate any chance of light. Desperation replaces hope. The dark voices multiply and spew words of failure. The seeker can no longer hear the cloud of witnesses offering encouragement as his eyes have been long removed from the cross.

He says, “This journey is entirely too hard.” So, he takes the first step off the path, and he sits. In his vulnerability, the dark powers encroach upon his space in the last efforts to destroy. Yet, in the deepest of spiritual valleys, a burst of light scatters the darkness. For while the seeker was resting, he offered a simple prayer acknowledging his wayward ways; he made a choice to no longer chase the things of this world; instead, his Spirit reached to the Father who was chasing him the entire time.

The embrace between the Father and His child was blinding. All evil was repelled. The Father’s wing enveloped His child which offered security and rest. The seeker was transformed into the select!


I am beyond encouraged by this passage in Ezekiel! Not only does our Savior seek us out, but He RESCUES us when we’ve been scattered by the dark forces! YES! I can truly picture this in my head…God the Father reaching down in a mighty force to rescue the scattered. His mighty right hand is strong, precise, yet tender.

I pray dear friends that you stop chasing the things of this world! This includes chasing people – anything you place before God is an idol. We must be powerful witnesses to His Kingdom. Is it time for a personal purge? What are you chasing or even holding on to that is preventing the Spirit from working fully in your life? God is a rescuer – allow it!


Christian Armetta


Mark 6:49-51

49 When they saw Him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost and cried out; 50 for they all saw Him and were terrified. Immediately He spoke with them and said, “Have courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 51 Then He got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased. They were completely astounded.


We’ve all experienced it. Some are paralyzed by it every day, and some invite it based on certain activities of daily living. What am I describing? – Fear! What do you fear?

[Pause, think, and journal!]

We can truly all relate to this question. Common fears include financial ruin, death, and disease. Yet, what about those fears that have ripened out of instinct and sprouted dark roots throughout your soul? What do those look like in your life? Obsession, hoarding, debilitating anxiety, anorexia, gluttony, paranoia, depression, alcoholism, addiction, etc. This list sadly could go on and on…but why? What fear or terror have you internalized and allowed to remain in the temple of God? Dear friends, they don’t have to stay! They aren’t welcomed in your life, but you must believe that through the power of Jesus Christ, you can break their strongholds. Yes and Amen. It’s time to “CLEAN HOUSE!”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “19 Don’t you know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you,whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.”

There it is! There is no second guessing here my friends. The Holy Spirit lives in each believer. Therefore, we must rebuke all things unholy from entering into the gates of our temple – our body and soul. The Spirit cannot be corrupted as the Spirit is part of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Yet, our flesh and minds most certainly can be influenced by what we open! This is why putting on the full armor of God is crucial-daily!

If you are battling fear or any form of mental angst that keeps you from (A) fully focusing on Christ or (B) fully experiencing His joy then I implore you to shed off these demons by acknowledging God’s complete control in your life. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Start by claiming this powerful Word and promise! Rebuke these demons in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, and fill your life with His Word so that you will be protected.

Question: Are you ready to “clean house”? I pray for personal revival and deliverance to spread across our community and land.


Christian Armetta